
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
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A. F. T. Bauer1955Atlas of Australian Resources: Drainage Systems
J. S. Beard1981The history of the phytogeographic region concept in Australia
N. Burbidge1960The phytogeography of the Australian region
G. Campbell1943Australian faunal regions
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B. C. Cotton1930Fissurellidae from the "Flindersian'' region, southern Australia
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D. L. Morgan, Gill H. S.2004Fish fauna in inland waters of the Pilbara (Indian Ocean) Drainage Division of Western Australia – evidence for three subprovinces
J. J. Morrone2002Biogeographical regions under track and cladistic scrutiny
G. E. Nicholls1933The composition and biogeographical relations of the fauna of Western Australia
C. E. González-Orozco, Ebach, M. C., Laffan, S., Thornhill, A. H., Knerr, N. J., Schmidt-Lebuhn, A. N., Cargill, C. C., Clements, M., Nagalingum, N. S., Mishler, B. D., Miller, J. T.2014Quantifying Phytogeographical Regions of Australia Using Geospatial Turnover in Species Composition
C. E. González-Orozco, Ebach, M. C., Laffan, S., Thornhill, A. H., Knerr, N. J., Schmidt-Lebuhn, A. N., Cargill, C. C., Clements, M., Nagalingum, N. S., Mishler, B. D., Miller, J. T.2014Quantifying Phytogeographical Regions of Australia Using Geospatial Turnover in Species Composition
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E. Perrier1878Étude sur la répartition géographique de astérides


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith